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IV Hydration/IV Nutrition

What is IV therapy?


An IV vitamin infusion is an administration of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients directly into the bloodstream. IV vitamin infusions are highly-effective and more efficient delivery method than oral supplementations, which rely on the GI system for absorption. IV vitamin infusions bypass the GI system, so you can rejuvenate and feel better, much faster.


What are health benefits of IV therapy?


With so many vitamins and supplements available, IV therapy can deliver a range of health and wellness benefits, including but not limited to: increased energy, better sleep, fewer hangover symptoms, faster weight loss, improved nutrient absorption, reduced inflammation, immune system support, and beauty accentuation. 


Why IV Therapy instead of oral supplements? 


IV Therapy delivers nutrients directly into your bloodstream which is the fastest way for your body to metabolize vital fluids, electrolytes, nutrients, and vitamins. Optimized delivery also promotes faster exercise recovery to further bolster sustained resiliency and physical wellness. Understanding that Oral Supplements are less efficient/effective after gastrointestinal metabolization,  IV Therapy supports optimal nutrient metabolization, body rejuvenation, and sustained resiliency by delivering nutrients directly into your bloodstream.


We've have several formulas to address a variety of issues, including:

  • Immune system strengthening

  • Anti-aging

  • Optimal athletic performance & recovery

  • Metabolism enhancement

  • Hangover & headache relief

  • Cold & Flu symptoms

  • Fatigue

  • Brain Fog

  • Dehydration

Menu/Price List

IV Therapy Initial consult-$50

To get started Laura will do an initial consult to see what IV therapy might be right for you


Meyers Original


The signature blend of B Vitamins, Vitamin C, and Magnesium in one liter of IV fluids. Also known as "the original" Meyers Cocktail. This combination reduces fatigue, improves energy and enhances the immune system.


Immune Booster


Includes a blend of IV fluids, vitamins, and antioxidants to cleanse your body and supercharge your immune system to fight off illness by way of Zinc.




Minimize bloating, irritability, abdominal discomfort and lower back pain. Calcium Chloride | Magnesium Chloride | Olympia Vita Complex | Hydroxocobalamin




Improve Cognition/Function, Information processing, learning, and memory. Contains Pyridoxine (B6) | L-Taurine | Alpha Lipoic Acid


Get Up and GO!


Burn fat, feel energized, and boost your metabolism. Includes a mix of IV fluids, electrolytes, and vitamins to help boost your energy levels and fight off fatigue. Improves recovery time by reducing inflammation. Olympia Vita Complex | Amino Blend,




Hydrate and combat fatigue from dehydration. Ascorbic Acid | Olympia Vita Complex | Olympia Mineral Blend$


Recovery and Performance                $150

Decrease recovery time & enhance your performance Ascorbic Acid | Olympia Vita Complex | Amino Blend | Olympia Mineral Blend


Inner Beauty                                                $150

FIGHT acne, wrinkles, and tired skin from the inside out. Ascorbic Acid | Olympia Vita Complex | Biotin


High Dose Vitamin C infusions   25,000gms-$150, 50,000 gms-$175, 75,000gms $200

Get an immune boosting IV vitamin C infusion. Great for healing by delivering powerful antioxidants straight to the cells!


IV Add-Ons


B-12 (methylcobalamin)-Increased energy, higher metabolism, better mood, and stronger blood health



Lipo-B (MIC)-Essential B-Vitamins PLUS Fat-Burning Amino Acids



B Complex -B Vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B5) for overall metabolism, cardiovascular and neuromuscular support!



Biotin-A boost for your hair, skin and nails.



Glutathione-Brightens skin, promotes collagen, detoxifies liver and strengthens hair, skin, and nails




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Is IV Injection Therapy Safe?

IV therapy has many benefits to its users. There are no known risks involved with the body’s ability to absorb a high concentration of vitamins and nutrients. However, there are a few minor risks associated with the needle injection itself. Some of these risks and side-effects are comparable to those of having blood drawn for a lab test or having an IV administered during a hospital procedure.

As with any similar procedure, there is a small risk that a vein wall could be perforated or ruptured by the needle due to vascular fragility. This can result in fluid leakage to the surrounding area and may temporarily cause slight swelling or bruising around the site of the injection; you may also experience a slight burning sensation surrounding the needle, which will dissipate when the IV is moved to another vein. If you have small or hard-to-locate veins or have experienced any previous difficulty with other intravenous injections or getting blood drawn, you may not be a good candidate for IV infusion. Disclaimer: The statements made regarding these products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The efficacy of these products has not been confirmed by FDA-approved research. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. All information presented here is not meant as a substitute for or alternative to information from healthcare practitioners. Please consult your healthcare professional about potential interactions or other possible complications before using any product. The Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act requires this notice.

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